Battle of kursk largest tank battle in history
Battle of kursk largest tank battle in history

However, delays to the blitzkrieg (shock campaign, or lightning war) offensive allowed the Soviets plenty of time to prepare for the battle. Germany amassed more than 500,000 men, 10,000 guns and mortars, 2,700 tanks and assault guns and 2,500 aircraft to mount an attack on the Kursk Bulge and take the city.

battle of kursk largest tank battle in history

Germany's original invasion of the Soviet Union had created a salient – an outward bend in a battle line where troops have advanced – known as the Kursk Bulge because Kursk lay at its centre. It was part of Operation Citadel, the Germans' final effort to regain dominance on the Eastern Front following huge losses in the Battle of Stalingrad and other major engagements. The Battle of Kursk took place in July and August 1943 around the Soviet city of Kursk in western Russia.

battle of kursk largest tank battle in history

The Battle of Kursk – The Russians won one of the biggest tank battles in history against the Germans

Battle of kursk largest tank battle in history